Interesting Solutions

I love those jobs where you can be a little creative in order to solve a problem, here are a few recent examples for your viewing pleasure.


The Dark Pantry

A lady with poor eyesight needed a light in her pantry, for obvious reasons . Rather than install a light switch (because with a pantry you might be mid-cooking and have mucky hands) I used a contact switch, so that the light turns on and off as the door opens and closes – just like in your fridge.

Please excuse the fuzzy quality of the video



The Dark Stairwell

In a house where the upstairs landing light could not be turned on from downstairs, and the light in the downstairs hallway did not adequately cover the stairs. the obvious solution is to add in the required wiring to allow this, but the owner preferred not to have channels carved in their walls. The solution? A nifty little LED spotlight, positioned in the stairwell and linked to the downstairs hallway light – now turning on the light downstairs will also illuminate the stairs. I should point out that the downstairs lights could be turned off from upstairs.